I’ve been eyeballing the ODROID-GO and the ODROID-GO Advance, which is currently OOS. They are both affordable gaming device kits. It looks like you can port Arduboy games as well. There is another ESP32-based device called the Pocket Sprite which is quite tiny.
On a whim I looked into clones. There are a few, including one that uses the TTGO T8 ESP32 WRover. The OG uses GO-Play firmware, and I see that there are other emulators for the ESP32 (NES, SNES seems iffy though Adafruit apparently has something on the Feather). Now I’m getting interested in handhelds that use MCUs.
I have an ESP8266. corax89 has made a game engine for it, which is pretty amazing. Ronen K. has documented their ESP8266 Gameboy Emulation experiments.
I am probably gonna mess with the ESP8266 for the heck of it, but I’m going to have to give the ESP32 a closer look, I think it could be a good option. I thought I fried my wretched Wemos clone but according to my notes… I did not! Apparently?? Yay! Anyway, formal blog posts forthcoming.
- https://www.instructables.com/id/Homemade-Odroid-go-Compatible-Game-Console/
- https://hackaday.io/project/166873-esp32-game-console
- https://github.com/chrisdiana/awesome-odroid-go
- https://www.instructables.com/id/ESP32-Handheld-Game-Console/
- https://www.elektormagazine.com/labs/esp32-game-console
- https://github.com/moononournation/esp32-nesemu
- https://hackaday.io/project/160402-nespemu
- https://github.com/ducalex/snes9x-esp32
- https://github.com/SoftwareGuy/SuperESP32World
- https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=sx6dCqX3idE
- https://github.com/CCHS-Melbourne/iotuz-esp32-hardware
- https://wifiboy.org/
- http://blog.oshpark.com/2019/12/29/low-power-esp32-handheld/
- https://hackaday.io/project/166707-esplay-micro
- https://www.makerfabs.com/esplay-micro.html
PocketSprite Links
ESP8266 Links
- https://github.com/corax89/esp8266_game_engine
- https://hackaday.com/2019/03/11/esp8266-gets-its-game-on-with-open-source-engine/
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19364015
- https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/emnlpl/diy_handheld_console_using_an_esp8266/
- https://community.arduboy.com/t/espboy-edu-esp8266-based-arduboy-like-gadget-with-wifi/7501
- https://hackaday.io/project/164830-espboy-games-iot-stem-for-education-fun
- https://github.com/Duhjoker/GameR-Iot_ESP