Web Gardens

Web gardens were invented by , who handily provides a tutorial on how to create your own iframe slice of heaven. Somewhat ironically, Miss Moss' own webgarden is a technical demo--a hot pink scrolling marquee--but neighbors have planted some interesting pots.

I kinda dig these iframes. I generally dislike hotlinking other sites (because they go down, you can see a few examples in missmoss' garden plot) but I do like the idea of devoting a unique space or plot to linked sites that are more informational than a simple description or 88x31 button. The iframe offers a lot of space for creativity and there is some untapped potential here. notes:

Plant 'em however ya want, but IMO all'a y'all completely misinterpreted this concept. These could be "here's what's new on these cool sites", but alls I'm seeing is "pointless landing pages but in small boxes". lmao

Agreed. We should all steal Bytemoth's code immediately. (That's what I did.) I have been meaning to implement some type of update log, but the jury's out as to whether I will remember to update this one.

The obvious downside is if a site is deleted or the page is otherwise removed the charming iframe returns a 404. The pots must be maintained, but it fits the metaphor. Web gardens primarily work for living sites which are actively maintained. There is an element of trust as well. You wouldn't steal a car sneak something mischievious into an iframe, would you?