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Neonauticon Web Directory

Inspired by Kicks Condor’s Foundations of a Tiny Directory and href.cool. Read about my rambling thoughts on web directories and that time senpai noticed me. The directory is periodically updated to reflect my changing interests.


Android Apps



Game Development Tools and Assets

Print and Play Games

Some people get into PNP for the papercraft aspect, some get into it to have access to more games. I enjoy it for both reasons.

Solitaire Gaming

Solitaire gaming, or playing tabletop games solo, is naturally fun for me after so many years enjoying single-player video games. See also: Tabletop Gaming

Tabletop Gaming

Resources for Tabletop gaming more generally, mostly useful stat apps for BoardGameGeek. See also: Solitaire Gaming, Print and Play.

Tabletop Gaming Online

Video Games

Resources for video gamers, including sites that do a wide range of reviews and useful apps. See also: Freeware List of Excellence.


This is a list of software I actively use that doesn’t fall into more specific categories. Most are free.