neonaut@neocities:~$ list Tags

::::::::::: :::      :::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::  :::       ::: ::::    :::
    :+:   :+: :+:   :+:    :+:    :+:    :+:    :+: :+:       :+: :+:+:   :+:
    +:+  +:+   +:+  +:+           +:+    +:+    +:+ +:+       +:+ :+:+:+  +:+
    +#+ +#++:++#++: :#:           +#+    +#+    +:+ +#+  +:+  +#+ +#+ +:+ +#+
    +#+ +#+     +#+ +#+   +#+#    +#+    +#+    +#+ +#+ +#+#+ +#+ +#+  +#+#+#
    #+# #+#     #+# #+#    #+#    #+#    #+#    #+#  #+#+# #+#+#  #+#   #+#+#
    ### ###     ###  ########     ###     ########    ###   ###   ###    ####

The sacred laws of tag town:

  1. Vertical space is infinite.
  2. Tag and Categories should compliment, but never be redundant.
  3. Wise, aged tags should be visted at home.

Total 49

Android 8

Android Development 6

Aquarium 9

Arduboy 10

Arduino 19

Art 15

Bitsy 2

Cat 2

Composting 7

Creativity 7

emoji 4

Emulation 3


Family 6

Film 3

Game Development 14

Game Room 1

Gardening 1

Godot 2

Grand Unified Archive 4

Gratitude 1

Handhelds 2

Health 5

Hugo 13

Indieweb 5

Jekyll 5

Journaling 2

Kivy 3

Legos 2

Linux 3

Loot 12

Memes 4

Minnowland 3

Modules 13

Nandeck 7

NeoCities 21

Orange Pi 12

Organization 1

Politics 2

Print & Play 30

Python 2

Recycling 3

Ren'Py 7

Sewing 3

Tabletop Games 37

Video Games 14

Web Development 14

Zettelkasten 1

Zines 1